Thursday 31 May 2012



Hello friends!

A man full of age can be full of strength and a young man can also become old and stay healthy. I'm going to be showing how one can practically combat the damage caused by ageing  and how to also prevent sudden death caused by heart failure.                                                                                               
Most of you are probably not aware of the  little secret I'll share with you on this page today.
I say this because I was also ignorant of this for a long long time until my eyes were open to what I now know and since then I've shared it to as many people as I could in a short time.Considering the high rate of young and middle-age people dying  every day around the globe,I'd like to bring to your attention simple food options which helps to fight ageing and sudden death.this food and drink will help reduce the damages caused by ageing if you are able to include them in your daily and weekly meal plans for extra vitamins,antioxidants and vital body substance that the body really need.

GREEN TEA - This is one of the main sources of longevity on my list from Asia,and this has being a long lasting secrets of the chinese for hundreds of years.You can imagine how insignificant it sounds(green tea) and also not expensive just like five roses and lepton tea,but frankly;it's a great thing to work into your daily contains high concentration of just the chemicals your body is cheap,delicious and gives a mild energy boost.its lovely,and a medicine for indigestion made from herbs.I'm on it presently and it has really helped me.

RED WINE -There is substance in red wine called "resveratrol" which  helps your body fight off age-related illnesses.Moderate amount of red wine lowers the risk of heart attack for people in middle age by 30 to 50 percent.It may also prevent additional heart attack if  you have had it in the actually prevents cholesterol from forming and reduces the blood vessel and damage caused by fat deposits.Red wine helps in reducing the clotting of blood in your  body. In taking this,one must ensure to reduce the intake of products with high concentration of caffeine to its barest minimum.if you don't take alcohol then you can go for grape wine,they are made from the same source.for those prone to these health cases mentioned above should take one to two glasses thrice in a week.
 Studies have shown that people from Mediterranean region who regularly drank red wine have risk of heart disease. 

WALNUTS -The form of vitamin E found in walnuts is very special and particularly beneficial.They are mostly grown in califonia,particularly from the San Voaguin and sacramento valleys.walnuts are part of the tree nut family.these includes Brazil nuts,pecans,pine nut, and walnuts.In recent times,researchers are convinced about the nutritional benefit of walnuts when consume in whole form including the skin.walnuts are great source of omega -3 essential acids,its mecury free,eat a handful or two a day to give the body all the omega -3 needs it requires to last long.

WATER - Using South Africa as case study in discussing the importance of water in the human body,one would notice that an average South African occasion; meals are served not with water but sparleta drink or coca cola.esp in an Indian man's house or occasion. Most South Africans have grown to become use to eating  without water and may have a glass of water for a day.Soft drinks or alcohol can never replace water in meal time. Water they say is life and is very healthy to the body and should be man's number one priority.Some People say "I'm dying of thirst!" well I say you might if you don't make drinking of  water part of your daily living.water is so important that your body actually has a specific drought management system in place to prevent starvation and dehydration 
ensuring survival. so the more water you taken into your system the functional and healthier you become. Although  water might be common but never take it for can kill and give life to your body.So do have enough water atleast  eight to ten glasses of water must go into the body and twelve if its hot wheather. Water from research is said to be taking in place of Panadol when one's head is acheing.All these if carefully observed could help the body system function a long time and not experience a sudden breakdown.

GREEN VEGETABLES - This is one the most important of all the items mentioned above.the eating of vegetables  should be taking seriously as it is vital to man's health and is also considered as the most affordable means of nutrition.Most of the times,it sounds so boring when you talk to people about the need to eat more vegetables.its necessary for everyboby to  do this.vegebles helps in prevention of heart disease,cancer,high blood pressure and more.hey are low in fact and high in dietan fibre.Also they produces iron, calcium,vitamin c, potassium and magnessium for diet. 

 BEANS  Beans as a great source of healthy protein and antioxidants are liked by few;most people prefer animal protein like beef,chicken and so on.I for one don't like eating much of it,but had to when I knew its importance over  animal protein.Really,beans are a wonderful food.some researchers believe that animal protein may cause many of the illnesses we face as we's not easy to abstain completely from meat but for health reasons; healthy vegetarian diet will certainly help improve the functionality of the heart and arteries esp for people above the age of 40 and also people with heart disease.naturally it is advisable to substitute a few animal protein  meals with bean-based meals twice a week.

MELONS - fruits are a great source of vitamins that helps to keep our body system in perfect freshness,
and melon fruit is has some of the best nutritional profiles of all fruit.They are pulpy so they fill you up with a lot of is required of us to atleast eat a fruit after meals.fresh and natural fruit.

DARK CHOCOLATE - This chocolate has tons of chemicals that the human is good for you but it has calories in it so it is advisable to have little square everyday.

In my next article on" Eat healthy and be strong" I'll 
be discussing on healthy Asian and African meals. 

               healthy and be strong...

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